Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Apply and Discover 2.2

There are many reasons that technology should be integrated into today’s classrooms.  Current students grew up with technology and are used to being able to access information quickly and learn to use devices as naturally as they learn to talk.  The two main reasons for teachers to take notice and start heavily introducing technology into their classrooms are; increased motivation, and increased access to learning materials. 

In order to do this I have been trying to employ more technology and technological strategies within my classroom in different ways.  Students need to develop new literacies in the 21st century.  ICT needs to be used in all subject areas.  "Without these skills, and others-including visual literacy, multimedia literacy, and cultural literacy-our students will not be able to adapt to changes coming their way." (Schrum & Levin, 2010, p 9-10) 
"Raines says the six most frequent requests of Millennial employees are: leadership, challenges, collaboration, fun, respect, and flexibility." (Schrum & Levin, 2010, 35)  The instruction that I am trying to build and develop reflect these requests.  Leadership and collaboration are intertwined in the strategy of class projects.  Students need to develop leadership skills and collaborate in order to complete these projects.  Challenges and fun are addressed through leveled computer games.  The many applications and games that can be found on the internet for free or close to free can develop many skills at different levels.  Flexibility in teaching can be a difficult idea for some.  Letting go of some control in the clasroom can be scary for older teachers.  Developing a menu of projects or activities that can show student proficiencies in subject areas provides the students with flexibility to show what they know in a way that interests them.  This can also foster respect between the teacher and student.  
Other technology that I might employ in my classroom would be webquests to expand and access information and experts that students may not have access to within their classrooms.  Speech to text programs can also help students with motor issues.

Schrum, L & Levin B. (2010).  Leading 21st Century Schools: Harnessing Technology for Engagement and Achievement.  Thousand Oaks, CA. Corwin.


  1. I like the "menu" concept, Karena. Is this something you've used in your classroom? Have you found it to be beneficial?

  2. I was a para many years ago and they used this concept. I have been trying to build it in this year, but am finding it difficult since in special education many assessments are maditory to give.
